Greek traffic chaos

I am reposting an article, by Mr. A. Koskinas, which accurately describes the situation in Greek streets:

Aristotle, Greek tourist guide


cars, scooters, pedestrians

I’m borrowing a photo I saw here, which illustrates the daily traffic chaos in Greek streets better than any of mine.

Chaotic streets

Traffic in Greece is chaotic: drivers run red lights, make unexpected turns without signalling, squeeze their vehicles in between others, overtake without much regard of who’s in front or behind, go up one-way streets, drive on sidewalks and pedestrian streets, exceed the speed limit compulsively.

Pedestrians, on the other hand, jaywalk with complete disregard of zebra crossings and traffic lights, weave in an out of gridlocked vehicles and are often found walking in the street instead of on the sidewalk.

pedestrians in a Greek street


What the law says

People who come to Greece often ask me whether our traffic code is so much different than those of other countries.

The answer is no.

The laws, rules and regulations are the same. We use the same traffic lights and…

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Mom in the street

Mom of two, striving for accessibility and road safety for all, especially pedestrians. Μητέρα δυο παιδιών που πασχίζει για προσβασιμότητα και οδική ασφάλεια για όλους, ιδιαίτερα τους πεζούς.

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